Monday, 28 December 2020

Authorised Person - Section 7. Initiation of corporate insolvency resolution process by financial creditor.

 Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.

# Section 7. Initiation of corporate insolvency resolution process by financial creditor.

(1) A financial creditor either by itself or jointly with other financial creditors, or any other person on behalf of the financial creditor, as may be notified by the Central Government may file an application for initiating corporate insolvency resolution process against a corporate debtor before the Adjudicating Authority when a default has occurred.

Provided that for the financial creditors, referred to in clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (6A) of section 21, an application for initiation corporate insolvency resolution process against the corporate debtor shall be filed jointly by not less than one hundred of such creditors in the same class or not less than ten per cent. of the total number of such creditors in the same class, whichever is less:

Provided further that for financial creditors who are allottees under a real estate project, an application for initiating corporate insolvency resolution process against the corporate debtor shall be filed jointly by not less than one hundred of such allottees under the same real estate project or not less than ten per cent. of the total number of such allottees under the same real estate project, whichever is less:

Provided also that where an application for initiating the corporate insolvency resolution process against a corporate debtor has been filed by a financial creditor referred to in the first or second provisos and has not been admitted by the Adjudicating Authority before the commencement of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Act, 2020, such application shall be modified to comply with the requirements of the first or second provisos as the case may be within thirty days of the commencement of the said Act, failing which the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn before its admission.]

Explanation. - For the purposes of this sub-section, a default includes a default in respect of a financial debt owed not only to the applicant financial creditor but to any other financial creditor of the corporate debtor.


REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

The Gazette of India


PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii)



No. 957] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2019/PHALGUNA 10, 1940






New Delhi, the 27th February, 2019

S.O. 1091(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (31 of 2016), the Central Government hereby notifies following persons who may file an application for initiating corporate insolvency resolution process against a corporate debtor before the Adjudicating Authority, on behalf of the financial creditor: -

  • (i) a guardian;

  • (ii) an executor or administrator of an estate of a financial creditor;

  • (iii) a trustee (including a debenture trustee); and

  • (iv) a person duly authorised by the Board of Directors of a Company.

[F. No. 30/25/2018-Insolvency Section]



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