Tuesday 22 March 2022

M.S. Viswanathan Vs. Pixtronic Global Technologies Pvt. Ltd. - The Sale as a 'Going Concern' means sale of assets as well as liabilities and not assets sans liabilities.

NCLT Chennai-1 (15.02.2022) in M.S. Viswanathan Vs. Pixtronic Global Technologies Pvt. Ltd. , In the matter of Gemini Communication Limited (IA/1215/CHE/2021 and IA/1280/CHE/2021 in CP/699/IB/2017) held that;

  • The term  'going concern' means all such assets and the liabilities, which constitute an integral business or the Corporate Debtor, that must  be transferred together, and the consideration must be for the  business or the Corporate Debtor.

  • In the sale of "Corporate Debtor as a going concern" under  Regulation 32(e) of IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016 the  Corporate Debtor will not be dissolved. In this part of sale, the entire  business, assets and liabilities, including all contracts, licenses,  concessions, agreements, benefits, privileges, rights or interests of  the Corporate Debtor will be transferred to the acquirer. The existing  shares of the Corporate Debtor will not be transferred and shall be  extinguished. 

  • In the sale of "Business of Corporate Debtor as a going concern" under Regulation 32(f) of IBBI (Liquidation Process)  Regulations, 2016, the entire business(s) along with assets and  liabilities, including intangibles, will be transferred as a going  concern to the acquirer, without transfer of the Corporate Debtor,  and therefore, the Corporate Debtor will be dissolved. The existing  shares will be extinguished. The remaining assets, other than those  sold as part of business will be sold and the proceeds thereof will be  used to meet the claims under Section 53 of IBC, 2016 

  • The Sale as a 'Going Concern' means sale of assets as well as liabilities and not assets sans liabilities.

Excerpts of the order;

IA/1215/2021 is an application filed by the Liquidator of  Gemini Communications Limited under section 35(1)(n) read with  60(5) of the IBC, 2016 and Regulation 32(e) of the IBBI (Liquidation  Process) Regulations, 2016 seeking relief as follows; 

  • a. To approve the sale of Corporate Debtor as going  concern in accordance with the relief as sought set out in paragraph 16 of this application. 

  • b. To pass such other orders as it deems fit in the abovcircumstances of the case and thus render justice. 

# 2. IA/1280/2021 is an application filed by the Liquidator of  Gemini Communications Limited under Rule 11 of NCLT Rules, 2016  seeking relief as follows; 

  • a. To condone the delay in distribution of the proceeds  immediately of the realisation of the Corporate Debtor within 90 days, which ends on 22.12.2021. 

  • b. To grant further time for distribution of the proceeds  immediately upon the disposal of the applications filed by the Applicant seeking approval of the modified list of stakeholders numbered as IA/1168/2021 and the application seeking approval of the sale of the Corporate Debtor as a going concern numbered as IA/1215/2021 

# 4.  It is averred in the Application that after appointment of the  Applicant herein as the Liquidator in respect of the Corporate Debtor,  the Applicant had published an advertisement in 'Business Standard  (English) and 'Makkal Kural' ( amil) on 22.02.2021 to sell the  Corporate Debtor inter alia as a "going concern" in one lot and also  to sell the other assets of the Corporate Debtor in other individual  lots through an e-auction which was conducted on 10.03.2021.  However, it was submitted that no bidders participated in the said  e-auction. 

# 5.  Thereafter, it was submitted that another e-auction notice was  published on 30.03.2021 by fixing the date as 16.04.2021. In the  said e-auction, one M/s. Pixtronic Global Technologies Private  Limited participated as a sole bidder for Lot 1 and emerged as a  successful bidder for a bid amount of Rs.3,55,61,750/-. It was submitted that in pursuance of the same, the successful bidder  remitted the 15% of the bid amount on 19.04.2021 and together  with EMD, the successful bidder deposited 25% of the bid amount. 

# 6.  In the meantime, it is seen that the success bidder has filed  an Application before this Tribunal under Regulation 47A of the IBBI  (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016 seeking exclusion of time  for payment of the balance amount. This Tribunal vide its order  dated 14.09.2021 passed in IA/632/CHE/2021 has granted a 90 day  extension for the successful bidder to pay the balance amount, i.e. on or before 24.09.2021. In pursuance of the same, it was submitted that the successful bidder has paid the balance sum of  Rs.2,66,71,312/- to the Liquidator on 23.09.2021 within the time  stipulated by this Tribunal. Also, the Applicant has issued a Sale  Certificate dated 15.10.2021 to the successful bidder for the sale of  the Corporate Debtor as a going concern. 

# 7. It is averred in the application that as on 30.09.2021, a sum  of Rs.3,67,53,569/- is lying in the Liquidation account of the  Corporate Debtor which will be distributed amongst the stakeholders  as per the waterfall mechanism as stipulated under Section 53 of  IBC, 2016. Further, it was submitted that there are receivables due  to be paid to the Corporate Debtor which are yet to be recovered by  the Applicant to the Liquidation Estate of the Corporate Debtor. 

# 8.  It is further averred that Applications viz. MA/127/2019 and  MA/1181/2019 filed by the erstwhile RP under Section 66 of IBC,  2016 is pending adjudicating before this Tribunal. Also, it was  submitted that the Corporate Debtor has accounts in various banks  which are attached by the EPFO and ESI authorities and the  Applicant is currently in correspondence with the said banks and other institutions to recover the money from those accounts and  transfer the same to the Liquidation account. 

# 9.  Under such circumstances, the present Application has been  filed by the Liquidator under Regulation 32(e) of the IBBI  (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016 seeking approval from this  Tribunal for sale of the Corporate Debtor as a going concern. 

# 10. Heard the submissions made by the Learned counsel for the  Liquidator and Learned Counsel for the successful bidder. It is seen  that the Liquidator has already sold the Corporate Debtor as a going  concern to the Respondent herein and has filed this approval seeking  approval of the same. 

# 11.  In so far as Sale as a going concern is concerned, the term  'going concern' means all such assets and the liabilities, which constitute an integral business or the Corporate Debtor, that must  be transferred together, and the consideration must be for the  business or the Corporate Debtor. The buyer of the assets and  liabilities should be able to run business without any disruption. 

# 12.  There are two going concern sales defined under Regulation  32 of IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016. The first one  pertains to Sale of "Corporate Debtor as a going concern" under Regulation 32(e) and sale of "Business of Corporate Debtor as a  going concern" under Regulation 32(f). 

# 13.  In the sale of "Corporate Debtor as a going concern" under  Regulation 32(e) of IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016 the  Corporate Debtor will not be dissolved. In this part of sale, the entire  business, assets and liabilities, including all contracts, licenses,  concessions, agreements, benefits, privileges, rights or interests of  the Corporate Debtor will be transferred to the acquirer. The existing  shares of the Corporate Debtor will not be transferred and shall be  extinguished. 

# 14. In the sale of "Business of Corporate Debtor as a going concern" under Regulation 32(f) of IBBI (Liquidation Process)  Regulations, 2016, the entire business(s) along with assets and  liabilities, including intangibles, will be transferred as a going  concern to the acquirer, without transfer of the Corporate Debtor,  and therefore, the Corporate Debtor will be dissolved. The existing  shares will be extinguished. The remaining assets, other than those  sold as part of business will be sold and the proceeds thereof will be  used to meet the claims under Section 53 of IBC, 2016 

# 15. Sale of a Company as a 'Going Concern' means sale of both assets and liabilities, if it is stated on 'as is where is basis'. The Hon'ble NCLAT in the matter of M/s. Visisth Services Ltd. Vs. Mr.  S. V. Ramani, Liquidator of United Chloro-Paraffins Pvt.  Ltd. Company Appeal (AT)(Ins) No. 896 of 2020 held that as per Regulation 32A of the IBBI (Liquidation tProcess) Regulations, 2016  the Sale as a 'Going Concern' means sale of assets as well as liabilities and not assets sans liabilities. We conclude that Sale of a  Company as a 'Going Concern' means sale of both assets and  liabilities, if it is stated on 'as is where is basis'. 

# 16.  The present Application has been filed under Regulation 32(e)  of IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016 seeking approval for  sale of the "Corporate Debtor as a going concern". Apart from the above, the Liquidator has also sought for certain relief and concession, which is set out in para 16 of the Application. These  relief are ordered as follows


SL. No.




The rights and title and interest in whole and every part of the Corporate Debtor including but not limited to intellectual property rights continue to vest in the Corporate Debtor and furthermore the assets, rights, titles and interest of the Corporate Debtor shall become free from charges, security interest, claims and counter -  claims. 

Granted, subject to the provisions of IBC, 2016 and other Applicable laws 


All permits, licences, copyrights, trademarks or other statutory rights shall remain vested with the Corporate Debtor as it is being sold as a going concern 

G Granted, subject to the provisions of IBC, 2016 and other Applicable  laws 


Issuance of equity shares or any other security / investment of the Corporate Debtor on or after the effective date and the same shall be subscribed and allotted to the successful bidder or any of its nominee in lieu of the "Liquidation Sale Amount" received by the Liquidator in the Liquidation account of the Corporate Debtor. Further that, no further approval should be required under Companies Act, 2013 or SEBI Regulations, however, procedural compliances, if any, in terms of SEBI Regulations or listing agreement with the respective stock exchange in relation thereto shall be done by the Liquidator / Successful Auction Bidder. 

Granted, subject to the provisions of IBC, 2016 and other Applicable laws, 


That the Auction purchaser shall be entitled to reconstitute the existing share capital held by the promoters / their associate concerns and non- public shareholders including Institutional shareholdings and the existing public shareholding & shareholding pattern in the Corporate Debtor in accordance with the norms and relevant guidelines of SEBI and / or IBBI and any other applicable law. 

Granted, subject to the provisions of IBC, 2016 and other Applicable laws, 


That the Board of Directors of the Corporate Debtor would be reconstituted by removing the erstwhile board of Directors as existing on effective date and appointment of new Board of Directors nominated by the Successful Auction Bidder subject to the affidavit and undertaking that none of such directors of Board of Directors are disqualified under Section 29A of IBC, 2016 

Granted, subject to the provisions of IBC, 2016 and other Applicable laws, 


That the Registrar of Companies to change the status of the Corporate Debtor in its records from the effective date as "Active" from the status of "under Liquidation"..



Granting exemption to the Corporate Debtor from the use of the word "and reduced" in its name as required under the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 



That the charges registered with concerned RoC in respect of encumbrances over the assets of the Corporate Debtor shall stand satisfied and vacated. 

Granted, subject to the provisions of IBC, 2016 and other Applicable 



To satisfy the charges on secured assets in the records of RoC and other statutory and regulatory authorities, if any, from the effective date. The Liquidator / successful auction bidder shall do necessary filings and comply with procedural formalities in this regard as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 or under other relevant statutes, if any. 

Granted in terms of the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Ghanashyam  Mishra and Sons v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited.  2021 SCC Online 

SC 313 


That all claims of the Corporate Debtor against third parties and its related parties, shall remain outstanding, due and recoverable in accordance with their respective terms. Corporate Debtor / successful bidder shall have full right to recover / proceed against the party, whose account is recoverable in the books of the Corporate Debtor  as on the Effective Date. 

Granted in terms of the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Ghanashyam  Mishra and Sons v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited. 2021 SCC Online 

SC 313 


All liabilities and guarantees extended by the Corporate Debtor whether monetary or non- monetary, statutory, crystallised or not crystallised, claimed or not claimed, admitted or not admitted, disputed or undisputed, confirmed or contingent or due or overdue or future due, decrees obtained for satisfaction of debt and all such obligations of the CD shall stand extinguished and discharged in full without any recourse to the CD. 

Granted, subject to the provisions of IBC, 2016 and other Applicable  laws


That successful auction bidder shall have a right to review and terminate any contract that was entered into prior to the commencement of CIRP during the time of CIRP / Liquidation process of the Corporate Person in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in such contract. 

Allowed, subject to the provisions 

of IBC, 2016 


To issue directions to the banks to change the operating signatories of the bank account of the Corporate Debtor on or after the effective date for smooth transition of the Corporate Debtor to the successful bidder. 

This is for the appropriate authorities to consider


The liabilities, if any, arising out of non-compliance of provisions of any laws, rules, regulations, directions, notifications, circulars, guidelines, policies, licences, approvals, consents or permissions prior to effective date shall stand extinguished for the successful auction bidder and the same shall be settled by the Liquidator in accordance with the provisions of Section 53 of IBC, 2016 

Allowed, subject to the provisions of IBC, 2016 


The successful auction bidder / Corporate Debtor shall not be held responsible / liable for any past liabilities of the Corporate Debtor in enquiries, investigations, assessments, notices, criminal cases, civil cases, suits, claims, disputes, litigations, arbitrations or other judicial, regulatory, administrative proceedings or in relation to or in connection with the Corporate Debtor prior to effective date.

Granted in terms of the judgement of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Ghanashyam Mishra and Sons v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited. 

2021 SCC Online SC 313 


The successful auction bidder shall not be liable for any action / responsibility of the Corporate Debtor or its erstwhile management as per provisions of Section 32A of IBC, 2016. 



As regards to carry forward of losses under the Income Tax Act, 1961, we hold that the Corporate Debtor under the new management under Section 79(2) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 would have to approach the concerned Income Tax Authority who may grant such relief, as permissible under law. The Corporate Debtor must be allowed to carry forward and set-off depreciation and losses under applicable provisions of Income Tax Act 1961 notwithstanding the change in the shareholding pattern of the Corporate Debtor. 

This is for the  appropriate authorities to consider 


The Auction purchaser shall enter in their books of account to give effect to the transaction entered into and executed for the purpose of sale of the Corporate Debtor as a going concern. 

Allowed, subject to the provisions of IBC, 2016 


Liquidator to provide all support and assistance to the successful auction bidder for smooth implementation of sale of Corporate Debtor as a going concern.



The rating agencies like CRISIL, CIBIL., etc., must be informed by the Auction purchaser to delete all negative ratings for the CD and not to consider them as defaulters. 



All liabilities and guarantees extended by the Corporate Debtor whether monetary or non- monetary, statutory, crystallised or not crystallised, claimed or not claimed, admitted or not admitted, disputed or undisputed, confirmed or contingent or due or overdue or future due, decrees obtained for satisfaction of debt and all such obligations of the CD shall stand extinguished and discharged in full without any recourse to the CD 

Granted in terms of the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Ghanashyam Mishra and Sons v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited. 

2021 SCC Online SC 313 


That no liability shall arise out of all or any notices issued by or pending proceedings before any judicial, quasi – judicial, administrative, tax or any regulatory body or local authority against the Corporate Debtor, whatsoever to the Corporate Debtor or the successful bidder on or after the effective date. 

Granted in terms of the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Ghanashyam Mishra and Sons v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited. 

2021 SCC Online 

SC 313


All proceedings initiated against the Corporate Debtor for recovery of monies by the claimants including the Secured Creditors and those who did not file their claims with the Liquidator shall stand  dismissed and extinguished. 

Granted in terms of the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Ghanashyam Mishra and Sons v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited. 

2021 SCC Online SC 313 


All liabilities or debt whether crystalized, contingent, filed, not filed, admitted or not admitted by the Liquidator, disputed or undisputed or otherwise including those pertaining to statutory dues and penalties shall be deemed as having been fully discharged in accordance with the provisions of the Code and the Corporate Debtor and the successful bidder shall not be liable for the same.

Granted in terms of the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Ghanashyam Mishra and Sons v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited. 

2021 SCC Online 

SC 313 


That all Creditors of the Corporate Debtor are to discharge and hand over all agreements, securities, instruments, collateral and third-party guarantees provided to them for the facilities they had extended to the Corporate Debtor. 

Granted, subject to the provisions of IBC and other Applicable laws 


The successful auction bidders / CD shall not be held responsible / liable for any past liabilities of the Corporate Debtor in enquiries, investigations, assessments, notices, criminal cases, civil cases, suits, claims, disputes, litigations, arbitrations or other judicial, regulatory, administrative proceedings or in relation to or in connection with the Corporate Debtor prior to effective date.

Granted in terms of the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Ghanashyam Mishra and Sons v. Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited. 

2021 SCC Online 

SC 313 


The Liquidator shall execute any further document in order to complete the sale of the Corporate Debtor as a going concern in all respects and requirements with the said purchase company.



# 17. Thus, the Application filed by the Liquidator for sale of  "Corporate Debtor as a going concern” stands allowed. The  Liquidator, after distributing the proceeds to the stakeholders as per Section 53 of IBC, 2016 may file an Application under Regulation  45(3) of the IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016 for closure  of Liquidation process. 

# 18. In so far as IA/1280/2021 is concerned, it is averred that the  Liquidator has received the entire Sale consideration on 23.09.2021 and within a period of 90 days the Liquidator is required to distribute  the same to the stakeholders. However, it is averred that the  Liquidator is unable to distribute the sale proceedings for the reason  that the approval of the modified list of stakeholders in  IA/1168/2021 is pending before this Tribunal. Thus, for the  aforestated reasons, the delay is hereby condoned and the Liquidator is directed to distribute the sale proceeds to the stakeholders, within a period of 30 days from the date of the order  approving the modified list of stakeholders. 

# 19.  With the above said directions, both the Application stands  allowed. 




  1. Blogger’s Comments; The question here is whether the Code mandates Liquidator for sale/auction of liabilities of the CD under liquidation.& whether the liabilities of CD survive post completion of the liquidation process.(In the present case/transaction the liabilities are sought to be transferred to auction purchaser, along with assets in going concern sale of the CD.)

    # Section 36. Liquidation estate. -

    (1) For the purposes of liquidation, the liquidator shall form an estate of the assets mentioned in sub-section (3), which will be called the liquidation estate in relation to the corporate debtor.

    # Section 53. Distribution of assets. -

    (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law enacted by the Parliament or any State Legislature for the time being in force, the proceeds from the sale of the liquidation assets shall be distributed in the following order of priority and within such period as may be specified, namely: -

    As per the provisions of the Code, liquidator can only sell/auction the assets of the CD, which forms the part of “Liquidation Estate” and all the liabilities of the CD are to be mandatorily settled in terms of the provisions of Section 53 of the Code.

    # Section 240. Power to make regulations. –
    (1) The Board may, by notification, make regulations consistent with this Code and the rules made thereunder, to carry out the provisions of this Code.

    Case Law;

    i). NCLT Mumbai-1 (2018.11.29) in Alchemist Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd. Vs. Abhijeet MADC Nagpur Energy Pvt. Ltd. [MA 1343/2018 IN CP (IB)-1315/MB/2017] held that;

    It is to be clarified that when sale is to be made on a going concern basis, then certainly after the transfer of undertaking, acquirer gets all right, title and interest in the whole and every part of the undertaking, without any security interest, encumbrance, claim, counterclaim, or any demur, into the acquirer.

    ii). NCLT Mumbai-I (09.03.2021) in Gaurav Jain Vs. Sanjay Gupta, [IA No. 2264 of 2020 in C.P. (IB) No. 1239/MB/2018] held that;

    The crux of the ‘going concern sale’ is that the equity shareholding of the Corporate Debtor is extinguished and the acquirer takes over the undertaking with the assets, licenses, entitlements etc.

    The Corporate Debtor survives, only the ownership is transferred by the Liquidator to the purchaser. All the rights, titles and interest in the Corporate Debtor including the legal entity is transferred to the purchaser. After the sale as a ‘going concern’, the purchaser will be carrying on the business of the Corporate Debtor.

    As far as the Liquidator is concerned, when the sale consideration is received from the bidder / purchaser, the same will be distributed to the Creditors in accordance with Section 53 of the Code. Since the amount is paid to the Creditors in terms of the Code, the liabilities of the Corporate Debtor towards the Creditors are treated as settled and the purchaser takes the assets free of any encumbrances or whatsoever.

    In the normal parlance “going concern” sale is transfer of assets along with the liabilities. However, as far as the ‘going concern’ sale in liquidation is concerned, there is a clear difference that only assets are transferred and the liabilities of the Corporate Debtor has to be settled in accordance with Section 53 of the Code and hence the purchaser of this assets takes over the assets without any encumbrance or charge and free from the action of the Creditors.

  2. iii). NCLT Hyderabad (30.06.2021) in Viswa Infrastructures Finance & Services Pvt Ltd Vs SREI Equipment Finance Ltd [IA (IBC)/157/2021 in CP (IB) No. 329/7/HDB/2018 ] held that;
    Corporate Debtor is being sold on an ongoing concern basis which is more or less in the nature of resolution of the Corporate Debtor as such he has no objection if the prayers sought for in the term sheet submitted by the successful bidder are allowed by the Tribunal. Already Successful Bidder has deposited Rs. 57 crores. In order for the Successful bidder to kick start the business and follow the law laid down under the Companies Act, 2013, it is imperative for the Tribunal to grant necessary reliefs.
    The said assets are free from any financial implications arising out of any pending proceedings before relevant authorities, if any. Further non compliance of provisions of any laws, rules, regulations, directions, notifications, circulars etc on the Corporate Debtor under various Acts and Regulations stands extinguished, qua the successful bidder.
    The erstwhile promoters or any member, associate of the Existing and Erstwhile promoter groups is hereby restrained from doing any business directly or indirectly in connection with the products and services presently offered by the Corporate Debtor
    Relief sought with regard to issuance/renewal of all kinds of licenses / permissions/ approvals required is allowed subject to payment of renewal fees, if any, from this date to the Licensing Authorities.

    iv). NCLT Ahmedabad (08.09.2021) In Nitin Jain Liquidator of PSL Ltd. Vs. Lucky Holdings Pvt. Ltd [IA 391 (AHM)/2021 in CP (IB) 37 (AHM) 2017 ] Adjudicating Authority using residuary powers of NCLT under section 60(5) granted relief to Successful Auction Bidder in liquidation process beyond the provisions of section 32A;
    Thus, considering these findings of the Hon'ble Supreme Court, it is crystal clear that this Adjudicating Authority has got adequate jurisdiction as regard to most of the issues raised in this application, being issues arising out of or insolvency resolution as well as are in relation to liquidation proceedings of the Corporate Debtor.
    Thus, in our considered view, the reliefs and concessions on the parallel line of an approved resolution plan can be granted subject to one condition that such reliefs/concessions must be central issues and also in relation to or arising out of liquidation proceedings of a Corporate Debtor so as to confer jurisdiction on Adjudicating Authority under Section 60(5)(c) of the IBC, 2016.
    The Successful Auction Bidder shall not be liable for any action/responsibility of the Corporate Debtor or its erstwhile management as per provisions of Section 32A of IBC, 2016.

  3. The order clarifies matters to a great extent



The sole purpose of this post is to create awareness on the "IBC - Case Law" and to provide synopsis of the concerned case law, must not be used as a guide for taking or recommending any action or decision. A reader must refer to the full citation of the order & do one's own research and seek professional advice if he intends to take any action or decision in the matters covered in this post.